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Securing growth capital is the basis for realizing your ideas. Our mission is to support innovative entrepreneurs with advice how to best achieve this. The partners in our growth capital team are true entrepreneurs who themselves managed companies with high growth rates, knowing out of experience how to find and manage investors.

A structured process and experience are needed to secure growth capital. It starts with presenting the company and the ideas for future growth in a convincing way. Previous successes, proofs of concepts and a strong team are major success factors. Finding the right partners and defining a win-win deal structure is at the heart of our offer.

See the S&P Services

We provide you with answers for three main strategic questions…

What is a convincing business plan to secure future growth?

What are the underlying initiatives and resulting KPIs for the next 3-5 years? Can we tell a convincing story to investors, showing our USP and first proofs of concept? Do we have the right team to execute with excellence?

How do we find partners to provide growth capital?

Type of partners: financial investors, strategic investors, family offices? How can we identify them and enter talks? What are success factors for convincing investors to provide the necessary funds? Does it make sense to combine equity and loans?

Which deal structure is the most suitable one?

How many shares to give away and keep as reserve? What milestones shall be defined together with investors? What is the corporate governance and influence investors shall take? What are warranties to be given to investors?

Get in touch with us

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